Mustard Seeds….
"With the Faith the grain of a mustard seed you shall say to that mountain move and it shall move." Matthew 17:20 Faith has nothing to do with believing in a doctrine or dogma of any religion. Faith is not subscribing to a set of truths and rules on how to live and...
The End Time
"No one knows the day nor the hour but only the Father knows" Matthew 24:35-36 and anyone who tells you that they KNOW the day and the hour, RUN RUN RUN away from that person, church leader or spiritual leader as fast as you can! What I can tell you is that you should...
Prison. Have you ever been in prison? Everyone has! What do I mean by that? Of what prison am I speaking of? The prison of your mind and soul. The most desolate and awful prison you can be in. How do you know you are in that prison? When you think ill of someone that...
The Road is Narrow
The path to heaven is is within you. Jesus states, "the Kingdom of heaven is within you." That path is narrow and there are FEW that find it. As we read in the Gospel of Matthew 7:13. "But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life and only a few that...
The Kingdom of Heaven is like…….
Jesus spoke in parables not to confuse people or to keep secret something that couldn't be revealed to the public at large but to convey to those he was teaching that eternal Truth can not be spoken but only experienced. When you know the Truth it is hard to convey in...
Faith is believing in the unseen power of God
Faith is believing in and coming to know and experience the unseen power of God. What is this power? It is the power that created the Universe and all of its manifestations. Think about that for a moment. That is enormous power. But this power does NOT create through...
Everything else in between.
We are all children of the Living God. We all were created in God's image which is Spirit. The physical is the outward manifestation of that Spirit. You couldn't exist in the physical realm if you were not born of God's Spirit. God's Spirit and breath give us life in...
Spiritual beings?
We are spiritual beings having a physical experience so get in touch and feel the power of your Spirit which is made up of the same substance as God who dwells within you. Always address God every morning before you do anything. Call on God to activate your Spirit to...
Come with Me on the Journey of the Spirit
How does someone consciously go on the Journey of the Spirit and where does one begin? You can begin the journey of the Spirit at any place and at any time. It is true that God will eventually find you wherever you are and awaken your Spirit but why wait? Start the...
Welcome to my blog!
Hi! Welcome to my blog! My name is Billy Kirchen. I am a child of the living God, who happens to be a composer, pianist, writer, creator, foodie, cook and most importantly an Interior explorer of the Spirt and Mind. All these Gifts given to me by our...